The Pregnancy Comfort Secret You Need: The Sacred Seven

Here's something fascinating that we've witnessed countless times in our practice: the moms who thrive most during pregnancy aren't just the ones getting regular adjustments (while that is a crucial part)—they're also the ones who create daily rituals to support their changing bodies between visits.

Think of your body during pregnancy like a magnificent orchestra, with your nervous system as the conductor. When everything's in harmony, you feel more comfortable, more connected, and more capable of handling the beautiful changes happening within. But just like any orchestra, it needs daily practice and your pregnant body needs daily support to maintain that harmony.

That's why we created “The Sacred Seven”—a simple yet powerful seven-minute daily ritual designed to support your body throughout pregnancy.

Let’s get into it!


  • Gentle cat-cow stretches (30 seconds): This movement helps maintain spinal flexibility and encourages optimal fetal positioning

  • Birth ball pelvic circles (1 minute): Supporting pelvic mobility while reducing lower back tension

  • Three deep "connection breaths" (30 seconds): A moment to bond with your baby and center yourself for the day ahead


MIDDAY RESET (2 minutes): When the day gets busy, this quick reset can make all the difference.

  • Standing pelvic tilts: (30 seconds): Maintaining pelvic alignment while reducing sciatic tension

  • Shoulder rolls and neck stretches (30 seconds): Addresses and reduces upper body tension from pregnancy posture changes

  • Supported squats or wall sits (1 minute): Strengthening your pelvic floor and encouraging optimal fetal positioning

EVENING UNWINDING (3 minutes): Prepare your body for a restful nights sleep.

  • Side-lying release (2 minutes): Supports pelvic alignment and reducing round ligament pain

  • Gentle hip rocking (1 minute): Encourages relaxation and maintaining mobility

The key is consistency. Just like brushing your teeth or taking your prenatal vitamins, The Sacred Seven works best when it becomes part of your daily routine. Many of our moms find success by linking these movements to existing habits—morning coffee, lunch break, or evening skincare routine.

Remember: pregnancy isn't just about surviving until delivery. It's a sacred time of growth, connection, and preparation. These seven minutes are your daily investment in not just comfort, but in creating the optimal environment for your little one to grow and develop.

These movements are also meant to SUPPORT your chiropractic adjustments, not replace. They will work hand in hand to create optimal results throughout your pregnancy.

Have questions about customizing the Sacred Seven for your specific pregnancy needs? We're here to support you! Schedule a visit or reach out to discuss how we can help you thrive during this beautiful journey.

For more pregnancy wellness tips, follow along on Instagram @yourfamilychirokc.


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